Friday, January 16, 2009

Kodi update #2

Kodi is recovering very well according to the vet.  He definitely seems to be feeling better.  He is sleeping through the night now and hardly crying at all anymore.  We have all been having a big slumber party in the living room every night.  It's been kind of fun actually, although a little chilly since our back door has an awful seal and the cold air is blowing right on us.  It's on our list of things to fix!

We think he's getting cabin fever too because he keeps getting up every half hour or so and wanting to walk around the house.  We can't take him outside for a long walk yet, so we just lead him around the kitchen in circles until he gets bored and goes back to his bed.  

Check out his new red wrap which matches his red collar! I obviously thought this was very cool since I am the queen of matching (after my mom  of course)!

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